Introducing Höcker’s Versatile Smoking Trolley : Simplicity Meets Practicality
In the fast-changing field of food processing, it is crucial to be efficient and flexible. The Höcker Group, which makes custom stainless steel solutions and is located in Wallenhorst (Germany), has once more set a new standard with its inventive Höcker Smoking Trolley that addresses these requirements. This trolley includes shelves that can be adjusted for height making it possible to smoke meats, cheeses and other products while utilising space optimally as well as conserving energy. …
The Evolution of Meat Transport: A Look Back at the History of DIN 5047 Euro Hooks
The “Euro hook” has a fascinating history that started in 1968, when Burkhard Höcker founded a company in Osnabrück, Germany, selling meat transport hooks to abattoirs. With the growth of modern slaughtering companies and increased meat transport by lorry, the need for a hook suitable for such transportation arose. Höcker’s task was to develop a hook that could transport meat up to 250 kg, such as pork halves or beef quarters, with ease and speed. …